Monday, August 12, 2013

Muscle and a Shovel by Michael Shank (A Must Read!)

From the Author

Your beliefs about the Lord Jesus Christ, the Almighty Father in Heaven and your church are beliefs that you hold close to your heart, and rightfully so. However, your beliefs are about to be challenged in a way that you never thought possible.

The story you are about to read is completely true in every sense. There are no exaggerations or embellishments. What you are about to read happened to me several years ago and I'm sharing it with you for one reason and one reason only. I cannot, however, reveal this reason unless you read this story from beginning to end.  If you make it to the end you'll discover the reason... and I promise you that it will be worth your time.

But let me give you a fair warning: what you are about to read might anger, frustrate and agitate your senses beyond description. This story may force you to examine the beliefs you hold so dear to your heart. This story is not for the weak-minded, nor is it for those who have their sensibilities easily offended.

Many who begin this story won't make it to the end.  Will you have the courage, the heart and the honesty of character to finish this story to its end?

Amazon Book Review:

I heard about this book from a friend and as soon as my copy arrived, I read it in two days. I could not put it down! The book tells the true story of the author and his encounter with a co-worker, which led to deep questions about everything he had believed about religion up to that point. The book chronicles a months-long search for answers and brings up just about every major question that should be asked about Christianity today.

This is so much more than one man's story though. This is not a book that one can just read and then reshelf or sell. You will be forever changed after reading this book. If you believe the Bible to be God's word, this book will make you seriously think about everything you've been told. It will probably make you very uncomfortable and maybe even mad along the way (just like the author was in his journey), but if you desire to do God's will, you will be glad you see it through to the end.
I LOVE that all of the author's questions were answered with logic and scripture. There is so much meat in this book, that you will want to read it several times and then you will want to give a copy to everyone you care about!

My husband picked it up, the day I put it down and he, too, had finished it by the end of the next day... and then made a list of people he wanted to share it with. I've never read a book this compelling before, other than the Bible itself. Muscle and a Shovel does not let you complacently read about the happenings in one man's life, it is a Bible study, it is a challenge to any Christian, no matter how much you know, to dig deeper and to really understand the full message of the Bible and to be able to give an answer to anyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is within you.

The only thing that slowed me down a little is that all the scriptures in the book were from the King James Version of the Bible. Nothing wrong with that, I'm just accustomed to more modern translations, but the Truth is still the Truth! I also really liked that at the end of the book, there is an appendix with the scripture reference for every passage from the Bible listed by chapter from the book, so that as you go back through, you can look up all the scriptures for yourself again apart from the story and let the Word speak for itself.  I really can't say enough about this book and what it stirred inside me to think more, study more, and be ready to inspire others to do the same.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

“101 Ways to Raise Faithful Children In The Lord”

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  Proverbs 22:6

I found this wonderful list compiled by Amber Gilreath that I wanted to share with mothers, grandmothers, expectant mothers, and future mothers whose hearts desire is to raise faithful children in the Lord.  I know I’m going to use this list when the time comes!

1.      Faithfully attend all worship services (Heb 10:24-25). Do not just be a Sunday morning Christian.
2.      Do not let worldly, material things be more important than any worship service. (Ex. Do not miss a service on Wednesday night for football practice.) This shows your child nothing is more important than God—not even being the best ball player (Gina Hamm).
3.      Miss birthday parties and practices even for gospel meetings on Tuesday and Thursday nights. This is about priorities (Karen Teague).
4.      Take time to find a church in the planning of your vacation. This shows your child how important God is even on vacation.
5.      Have a daily devotional, even if it is just 15 minutes before or after dinner. This is a small amount of time that has a large impact on your children.
6.      When your child is old enough, force personal Bible study time outside of school on your child. If children are left to decide what to do in their free time, they will never study the Bible on their own (Wayne Jackson).
7.      Eat dinner as a family and pray to God, letting Him know how thankful you are for the food and other blessings.
8.      Pray daily with your child outside of just mealtime.
9.      Emphasize to your child the importance of marrying a Christian (Kelley Dees).
10.  Pray for your child’s future spouse in front of your child (that he or she is being raised by faithful parents and will one day help your son/daughter get to heaven) (Cindy Colley).
11.  Attend church events outside of worship services.
12.  Hang around other faithful Christians. They will be good influences for your children.
13.  Reach out to the elderly with your child. Attend nursing home singings and visit the widows. (Diane Tucker)
14.  Make your child hug an elderly person at every service (Cindy Colley).
15.  Send your child to a church camp every summer.
16.  When you pray out loud with your child, pray for the child by name.
17.  Be open with your child. Communicate often and about everything.
18.  Be a good listener for your child.
19.  Talk about God several times per day in normal conversations with your child. Ex."The bible says we are to take care and visit the older people. Let's take Mrs. Sewell some cookies" *quote scripture (Kelli Sewell)
20.  Teach your children that the only time we use God’s name is when we are praying (and always use scripture to support things). If they ever say OMG, respond with, “Oh, I see you want to pray!” (Kelli Sewell)
21.  Having a father for your children who is also a faithful Christian will always be a better situation for the child. The child looks at BOTH parents examples (Kelley Dees).
22.  Expose your children to other faithful Christians who are their age. Peers have a great impact on children all their lives (Allison Redd).
23.  Love your children. Tuck them in before they go to bed and always kiss them good night (Gina Hamm).
24.  Be consistent with your Christianity. Don’t act differently outside of services (Karen Teague).
25.  Be a mean mom. Require responsibility and honesty from your children and know where they are. Your children will respect you for it (Karen Teague).
26.  Always give reasons for commands. “Because I said so” does not teach your child anything (Karen Teague).
27.  Teach your children to be thankful. Make them say “thank you” for things often.
28.  Do not be a worrier (Matt 6:25-34, Gal 5:22-23). This is God’s way and will surely provide the best results when dealing with our children (Karen Teague).
29.  Live consciously. If we speed when we're late, or make other "allowances" our children see it and decide there are times when "breaking the rules" is ok (Karen Teague).
30.  Have family night each week with your kids, even when they get to be teenagers. Go out to eat or to the movies or rent a movie or play board games.
31.  Have fun being a Christian and show your kids that avoiding sin does not mean avoiding fun.
32.  Let your children make mistakes. It is difficult to do, but when they are old enough they have to make their own decisions and learn from them. ( I don't mean something life or soul threatening, of course.) Don't run around fixing their problems or making everything ok for them. Our kids need some experience with making mistakes before they leave the nest (Karen Teague).
33.  Teach them to love God and that God loves us. Do not make God look like just a being who has a bunch of rules for us. God’s rules are similar to parents’ rules: He gives them to us because He loves us (Amy Clevenger).
34.  Teach your children to give (2 Cor 9:7). Let your children give in the offering at church services a portion of their own money.
35.  Answer your children’s questions. Do not make them feel that questions are a bother. This keeps communication open between you and them and will encourage them to ask when they get to the important questions in life (Amy Clevenger).
36.  Be consistent with discipline. Don’t let breaking the rules slide in any situation. This teaches children to respect authority (Amy and Josh Clevenger).
37.  Let your child clearly know and understand what the consequences for disobedience are.
38.  Do not threaten unless you are going to follow through with the action. If you say you are going to spank them if they do that again, and you don’t do it, they will learn not to take you seriously.
39.  Teach your children about appropriate clothing from a young age. That way, he or she will not miss the fact that she has to quit being a cheerleader at age 10 because the skirts are too short all of the sudden (Amy Clevenger).
40.  Don’t make exceptions to the rules of clothing outside of services. If they couldn’t wear it to church functions, they shouldn’t be allowed to wear it to Wal-Mart (Stacey Rogers).
41.  Let them know from a young age that Christians are different, and oftentimes the world will not agree or like them for it. That way when they get to high school, they will know in advance they are going to be resisting things that might be popular because we want to follow God rather than evil (Exodus 23:2) (Amy Clevenger).
42.  Prepare your children for the temptations they will face in high school and college by talking to them about things they will be tempted to do and discussing options of the actions they can take to resist sinning.
43.  Let your children clean out their closets once per year to pick out some toys they can give to needy children (Amy Clevenger).
44.  Make great efforts to cut bad language out of movies at home (Cindy Colley).
45.  If the movie has language in the theatres, wait until the movie comes out on DVD/Blue-Ray. This will show your children we do not make exceptions to the rules (Cindy Colley).
46.  Incorporate bible study into the children’s daily routine. Make this as important as getting homework done after school. Make learning the Bible as important as any other subject.
47.   Teach your children that Christianity is a way of life. Talk about the commands of God all the time. “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” (Deut 6:6-7)
48.  Never fight in front of your children. If you do, work it out in front of your children and kiss and make up (Diane Webster).
49.  Educate through example. Do not tell your child not to do something against God’s Word and then do it yourself.
50.  Refrain from complaining in front of your children. This encourages them to complain (Cindy Colley).
51.  Post Bible verses in your children’s room and around the house.
52.  When your child asks you a question, take out the Bible whenever you can to find the answer. This shows them where the answers to life’s questions come from.
53.  Do not let cleaning, work, etc. be more important than giving your children attention. There will always be housework to do, but your children will not be children forever.
54.  Play on the floor with your children. Join in on tea parties and board games.
55.  Ask other Christian moms for advice.
56.  Homeschool if you can. This allows you to incorporate the most Bible into your child’s curriculum. Make sure if you do this that your children have plenty of friends at church or in the co-op to learn critical socialization skills.
57.  If you public school, be as involved as possible. A child left to himself bringeth his mother shame (Prov 29:15).
58.  If you can afford to live on your husband’s income, do not send your child to day-care, even if this means sacrificing nice vehicles and houses for mediocre ones. (Having a brand new house and two brand new cars is not as important as the impact and time you will get to spend with your children as toddlers) (Luke 12:15).
59.  Monitor your children’s television viewing. This seems obvious, but apparently this is something someone felt was necessary to be listed here. Do not let teenagers watch trashy networks like MTV.
60.  Know that serving God first and raising your children to avoid sinful entertainment and activities can give you the reputation of being the prude, strict mom, and don’t let this get you down. Know that serving God is more important than what the world thinks.
61.  If you get burnt out, do not be afraid to take the day off. Ask your mom or your husband to keep the children while you get away every now and then.
62.  Expose your children to a soup kitchen every now and them, and let them serve the hungry. This will help them appreciate all the food and blessings they enjoy on a daily basis.
63.  Give your child chores. Even if they are just required to make their bed each morning or feed the dog, this makes them more responsible.
64.  Teach your child that we submit to authority and our authority to God comes first.
65.  Treat your husband with respect (Eph 5:33), especially in front of your children. When children learn that their dad is the authority over the wife (Eph 5:22-23, 1 Pet 3:6), the way the wife treats the husband teaches the children how to treat authority. This teaches your girls to love and respect their husbands through example!
66.  Get excited and teach your children to get excited when their father comes home from work.
67.  Husbands, love your wives and treat them with honor as commanded in God’s Word, not disrespect just because you have final authority (Eph 5:25, 1 Pet 3:7). Teach your boys to love their wives through example!
68.  Husbands, do not allow the children to talk back to you or their mothers.
69.  Never let your children come between you and your husband. This relationship is second only to your relationship to God. I have spoken with many wives who think children should not sleep in the bed with parents because this comes between the parents and encourages the children to fear sleeping by themselves.
70.  Be clear about the rules. Be united with your husband in disciplining your children. Do not disagree with your husband about discipline in front of your children.
71.  Do not talk badly about your spouse to your children or to other people.
72.  Teach your children the importance of sharing the Bible with others. Study with others and take your children to these Bible studies.
73.  Spank your children when they disobey or are disrespectful, not when they make mistakes or do not already know the rule (Cindy Colley).
74.  Discuss Bible lessons with children and ask them what we can do in our daily lives to apply some of the lessons.
75.  Take vacations to spiritual retreats and call this vacation.
76.  Have spiritual books that teach reliable, fundamental truths from the Bible on the bookshelf at home (Wayne Jackson).
77.  Learn about the theory of evolution. Teach your children the truth about this theory and why there IS a God who created the Earth the way it is described in Genesis 1. Use books and articles from if you are unfamiliar with how to refute this theory. Do not let your children leave home without this information: the world will use this to convince them that there is no God.
78.  Have a Bible in every room.
79.  Talk to your children about sex. Include lots of scripture. There is no such thing as safe sex outside of marriage, and sex before marriage is sin and hurts God (Gal 5:19-21). They are going to learn about sex from the world if you do not talk to them about this at the appropriate time/age.
80.  If you think you do not have time for incorporating family time or Bible devotional time into your routine, get rid of the television.
81.  Teach your children to sacrifice “fun time” for things that please God, like visiting the elderly, youth devotionals, studying the Bible, being hospitable, etc. Life is not all about just what seems fun to us or pursuing selfish desires.
82.  Take heed to the warning in 1 Cor 15:33: Worldy friends, media, magazines, music, newspapers, etc, can have a negative effect on the good morals Christian parents are instilling in their children.
83.  Children need correction (Prov 13:24, 19:18). Do not expect to be your child’s best friend in the young years. You are there to be the parent. They will love you for training them properly.
84.  Give clear expectations for your children to follow. Do not be vague.
85.  Do not count aloud and wait for your child to obey (“1…2…2.5…”). When a parent says to do something, the child should obey right then, not whenever they feel like it. (Cindy Colley)
86.  “Punishment is effective when it reinforces one’s love and concern for the child. It is a must for the parents to be controlled and disciplined themselves [when correcting children]. Otherwise, it may appear to children that they are the target of an adult temper-tantrum. Such a parent needs to repent.” (Wayne Jackson).
87.  Make sure your children know that through correction, you love them and are only trying to help them get to heaven.
88.  Pray for the wisdom to be a good parent.
89.  Teach your children the benefits of trusting in the Lord (no regrets, peace added to you: Prov 3:2-3, avoid consequences of sin, etc) (Wayne Jackson).
90.  Make your children memorize scripture.
91.  Sing Bible songs together in the house, in the car, and with others outside of services.
92.  When your children are old enough, let them write notes to members who need encouragement for any reason.
93.  Do not allow your children to whine ever. This behavior should be punished (Cindy Colley).
94.  Do not chase your children. If you tell your child to come, and he or she runs the other way, chase him, spank him, and explain that disobedience is wrong (Cindy Colley).
95.  Tell your child you love them often. Touch them often.
96.  Teach your girls to love their husbands, their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, and obedient to their husbands (Titus 2:3-5).
97.  Teach young men the importance of providing for their families (1 Tim 5:8).
98.  Teach your daughters to cook. Let them help you fix supper for the family. This teaches them to serve their families and allows you to spend extra mother/daughter time with them.
99.  Do not teach your children to be worldy. Do not let them think they must have fancy brands of shoes and clothing, etc, or let them make fun of others for the clothing they wear (James 2:1-5).
100.  Make heaven sound as exciting to your children as Disney World. Give them something to look forward to and work toward as young Christians (Kristi Griffin).
101.  Final Advice: “Successful child-rearing, according to the Bible, is not a role of the dice”. We must commit ourselves to give our children lots of time, repetitious instruction, constant love and affection, and a consistent Christian example to raise children who are faithful to God (Prov 3:5-6) (Wayne Jackson).

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Cradle Roll Class Curriculum Idea!

     I've had the privilege of teaching in the Cradle Roll Class for the past several years.  We recently moved to the Waynesboro Church of Christ and I've implemented a new curriculum that I used at the Kensington Woods Church of Christ. "God Made Everything" is the theme of the curriculum. The curriculum is now posted to this blog! This curriculum is for ages 6-24 months and requires several hand held toys, a folder for curriculum, table with toddler seats, and some type of organizational unit. I purchased the toys from Oriental Trading & Walmart and the organizational unit from Amazon. I suggest going to whatever store you need to, to find what you need. You would need a toy for every child, except for the penguin, bear, kangaroo, rabbit, mommy & daddy figures. Below is a list of toys needed and pictures.  I also use the Softees Curriculum (from 21st Century Christian) if I have some time left. You can order the book, softee figures, and a CD of the songs from 21st Century Christian.     

  • Musical Clock or Rubber / Plastic Clocks
  • Wash Cloths
  • Tooth Brushes
  • Small Mirrors
  • Rubber / Plastic Cars, Horses, Air Planes, Buses, etc...
  • Rubber / Plastic Keys
  • Small Baby Dolls
  • Plastic Mommy Figure
  • Plastic Daddy Figure 
  • Toy Baby Bottles
  • Small Bibles
  • Stuffed Animal Cow or Small Cows 
  • Stuffed Animal Bee or Small Bees
  • Artificial Flowers
  • Stuffed Animal Rabbit
  • Rubber / Plastic Duck & Baby Ducks
  • Rubber / Plastic Frogs
  • Rubber / Plastic Fishes
  • Assorted Plastic Fruit
  • Stuffed Animal Bear
  • Stuffed Animal Kangaroo  
  • Plastic Telephones

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

One Day VBS Idea!

Does your congregation need an idea for a 1 day VBS?  Because we attend a small congregation with very little children, we decided this year to do a 1 day VBS and reach out to the community and local churches through this effort.  We will have it on a Saturday for 2 hrs. in the afternoon.  Below is an idea of how we plan to work our VBS this year and the lessons provided.  This might be a helpful idea for your congregation!  See pictures below.

“Christ Our Carpenter Made Our World”
 One Day VBS 2013

Discovery Learning Center Rotation“The Universe Story Room

1.)    Room Decorations: 
·        Black Light
·        Black sheets & bulletin board paper (to cover room & ceiling)
·        Glow in the dark stars (stick all over black sheets and paper
·        Solar system foam balls sprayed with different color glow-in-the dark spray paint (hanging from the ceiling)
·        Tape, tacks, paper clips, etc….. (hanging purposes)

2.)    Bible Lesson: God Created the Universe (Day, night, sun, moon, & stars)
·        Teachers will teach the lesson
·        Lime Green & Hot Pink Poster Board that will glow (Questions written on poster board)

Bible Learning Center Rotation:  “Creation Banner Activity” (purchased from oriental trading)

1.)    Room Decorations:
·        Days 1-7 creation décor and/or bulletin board
·        Plastic or paper table cloths

2.)    Activity: (Creation Banner – Self Adhesive)
·        Teachers will teach 7 days of creation lesson and explain creation banner
·        Each child will get a creation banner to put together

Craft Rotation: “Dinosaur Sun Catchers”

1.)    Room Decorations:
·       Dinosaur décor and/or bulletin board
·        Plastic or paper table cloths

2.)    Craft: (Dinosaur Sun Catchers)
·        Teacher will teach lesson
·        Each child will get a Dinosaur Sun Catcher to paint with suncatcher paint, paint brushes, and suction hook

Refreshment Rotation:

1.)    Room Decorations:
·        Solar system & table décor
·        Plastic or paper table cloths

2.)    Food Menu: (Donations from church members)
·        Corn Dogs
·        Chips
·        Cookies
·        Kool-Aid
Miscellaneous Items:
Construction Hats & Name Tags - Ordered from oriental trading

Curriculum Lessons:
Discovery Learning Center Lesson

Theme: Christ the Carpenter Made Our World
Memory Verse: “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth.” Col. 1:16a

Points to Emphasize:
  • The Universe has not always existed. Heb. 1:10
  • The Universe did not create itself. Job 28:4-6
  • The Universe was created in six literal days. Ex. 20:6, Gen. 1:5, Num. 7:12
  • God spoke the Universe into existence out of nothing. Psm. 33:9, Heb. 11:3

Application and Discussion:
  • What does the word chaos mean? (disorder, confusion)

  • What was the shape of the earth before creation (without form and void)

  • God took nothing and spoke the Universe into existence.

  • Read aloud Gen. 1:14-19

  • What did God speak into existence on the first day? (light)

  • This light was temporary because the sun wasn’t created until the fourth day.

  • God created a temporary light on the first day, but then created permanent lights on the fourth day which are the sun, moon, and stars.

  • Turn on the black light, then turn off the classroom lights.  Tell the small children what you are going to do a head of time so that they do not become frightened.  Show the children the night time sky.

  • Ask the children to use their telescopes and locate the following in the night time sky: sun, moon, Saturn, stars

  • What did the Lord make to rule the day? sun

  • What did the Lord make to rule the night? Moon

  • How many stars do you think are in this room? (approx. 1,100) How many stars do you think are in the real sky? (scientist estimate 200 billion stars)

  • Read aloud: “The host of heaven cannot be numbered...” Jer. 33:22 “He counts the numbers of the stars; He calls them all by name.” Psm. 147:4

  • Stars vary in temperature and size.  The hottest stars have a surface temperature of 50,000 degrees, while the coolest stars measure around 5,000 on the surface.  The hottest stars are a bright, blue-white color, while the coolest appear as dim, red stars.  Some stars known as “super giants” are more than 1000 times bigger than our sun, while small stars known as neutron stars have a radius of only 6 miles.

  • God made the sun, moon, and stars for seasons, days, and years; so we had a way to measure time.

  • What is the closest star to the earth? The sun, it is 93 million miles away.

  • How does the sun help us out? (It gives light and heat.  It’s energy can be converted into electricity and its rays help plants grow)

  • Read aloud: Lift up our eyes on high, and see who has created these things, who brings out their host by number, He calls them all by name, by the greatness of His might and the strength of His power; not one is missing.” Isa. 40:26

  • Read aloud: The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament show His handiwork.” Psm. 19:1

  • Read aloud Gen. 1:6

  • What Did God speak into existence on the second day? (firmament)

  • What is firmament? (atmosphere; literally “thin, stretched out space)

  • Read aloud: Gen. 1:7-8

  • What does God’s creation tell us about Him? (that He exists, He is powerful, and that He cares for us)

  • Read aloud Rom. 1:20

  • Help the children memorize their memory verse

  • Emphasize that the world was not the result of some random accident, but a part of the Lord’s special creation.

* Sing VBS songs if you have time during the rotation.

Bible Learning Center Lesson

Theme: Christ the Carpenter Made Our World
Lesson: “Days of Creation Bible Lesson”
Memory Verse: “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth.” Col. 1:16a
Activity: Days of Creation Banner

Introduction: Say, “I am feeling hungry this morning and really wish I had a nice big chocolate chip cookie for a snack. I wonder if I could just say “Let there be cookie” and by the power of my words create a cookie out of nothing?” Hold out your hand and say it in a commanding voice  - look surprised when nothing happens. Ask for a volunteer to explain what went wrong. Explain that today's lesson will help them to understand more about when God created the world.

Days of Creation Bible Story (Genesis)
* For the younger children you can use the Giant Creation Story Book to teach lesson
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (1:1)
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. (1:3)
God called the light “day” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning – the first day. (1:5)
And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water.”(1:6)
God called the expanse “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning – the second day. (1:8)
And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. (1:9)
Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. (1:11)
And there was evening, and there was morning – the third day. (1:13)
God made two great lights – the greater to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars, (1:16)
And there was evening, and there was morning – the fourth day. (1:19)
So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. (1:21)
And there was evening, and there was morning – the fifth day. (1:23)
And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that moved along the ground, and wild animals, each according to their kind.” (1:24)
So God created man in his own image, the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (1:27)
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning- the sixth day. (1:31)
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. (2:2)

Review: Quiz the children to see how much they recall from the lesson.
·        “What did God create on the first day of creation?” heavens, earth, light
·        “What did God create on the second day of creation?” the sky to separate the water
·        “What did God create on the third day of creation?“ land, plants with seeds, plants with fruit with seeds
·        “What did God create on the fourth day of creation?” sun, moon and stars
·        “What did God create on the fifth day of creation?” birds and the animals in the waters “What did God create on the sixth day of creation?” land animals and humans
·        “What did God do on the seventh day of creation?” rested

True or False: Ask the children to choose which of the following statements are correct. If the statement is correct they should stand, if it is false they should remain seated.
·        God used Lego Blocks to make the first humans. {False}
·        God simply spoke and everything began to exist. {True}
·        God made the animals in His Image. {False}
·        In the beginning there was no death {True}
·        Adam & Eve were real people like us {True}
·        Over time monkeys turned into humans. {False}

Song: “Seven Days of Creation Song”
* The teacher can use the creation numbers while singing the song with the students

Pray: Lead the children in prayer giving thanks to God for the goodness of the creation.

Activity: Explain the Creation Banner Activity and help students do the activity.

VBS Craft Lesson

Theme: Christ the Carpenter made our world!
Memory Verse: “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth.” Col. 1:16
Craft Activity: Dinosaur Sun catchers

Where did dinosaurs come from?

When God created the world, dinosaurs were one of His creations.  God created all the animals.  God made everything in the entire universe—people, stars, planets and all that there is.  Like Adam, the bodies of the first dinosaurs were formed from the dust of the earth.  Man and dinosaurs lived at the same time.

Are dinosaurs in the Bible?

Dinosaur like creatures are mentioned in the Bible.  The Bible’s best description of a dinosaur like animal is in Job chaper 40 saying: “Look at the behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox.  What strength he has in his loins, what power in the muscles of his belly!  His tail ways like cedar; the sinews of his thighs are close-knit.  His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like rods of iron.  He ranks first among the works of God… Job 40:15-19

In Job God describes a great King of the land animals like some of the biggest dinosaurs, the Diplodocus and Apatosaurus.  It was a gigantic plant-eater with great muscles and very strong bones.  The long Diplodocus had leg bones so strong that he could have held three others on his back.

The behemoth was not afraid.  They did not need to be; they were very huge.  Behemoth tails were so long and strong that God compared them to cedars—one of the largest and most spectacular trees of the ancient world.  After the dinosaurs died out, many people forgot about them.  They became extinct and the fossil skeletons that are in museums today did not begin to be put together until about 150 years ago.  Today, some people have mistakenly guessed that these creatures mentioned in the Bible might be an elephant of a hippopotamus.  But those animals certainly do not have tails like the thick, tall trunks of cedar trees!

Application and discussion:
  • The Lord spoke animals, man, insects, and dinosaurs into existence.

  • Evolution is a false theory which says that all living things evolved from common ancestors in a very long process of change.  The theory rejects that all life was designed and created at the beginning of time by God.

  • The Lord did not use natural processes to bring the universe, earth, plants, animals, and man into existence.  Instead, he used the miracle of creation.

  • Read aloud: Psm. 33:8-9

  • Man and dinosaurs lived together on the earth.

  • Read aloud: Ex. 20:11


God Made Me and All of You

sing to the tune of “London Bridge

God made me and all of you
All of you,
All of you,
God made me and all of you.
He loves us!
(point to self and others when you say me and you. Hug self at the end)
He made frogs and birdies too
Birdies too,
Birdies too,
He made frogs and birdies too
Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!
(Hop around like frogs/flap around like birds)


God Made Me

sing to the tune of “London Bridge

(Make a sun above your head by placing your hands together)
(Make wave motions with your hands at your side)
(Place the palms of your hands together and wiggle them like a fish)
(Point to your chest)
(Make a sun above your head by placing your hands together)
(Make wave motions with your hands at your side)
(Place the palms of your hands together and wiggle them like a fish)
(Point to your chest)


He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands

He’s got the whole world in His hands,
He’s got the whole world in His hands,
He’s got the whole world in His hands,
He’s got the whole world in His hands!
He’s got the itty, bitty, baby in His hands,
He’s got the itty, bitty baby in His hands,
He’s got the itty, bitty baby in His hands,
He’s got the whole world in His hands!
He’s got momma and papa in His hands,
He’s got momma and papa in His hands,
He’s got momma and papa in His hands,
He’s got the whole world in His hands!
He’s got you and me, sister, in his hands,
He’s got you and me, sister, in his hands,
He’s got you and me, sister, in his hands,
He’s got the whole world in His hands!


Jesus Made Me Just Like Him

To the tune of “Jesus Loves Me.” Touch each part as you sing.
Jesus made me just like Him
Eyes and ears and nose and chin
Hands and fingers, feet and toes
Heart that loves and hair that grows.
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
He made me just like Him.

Seven Days of Creation Song
Tune of “Are You Sleeping Brother John”
God created: God created
Night and Day: Night and Day
That was on the first day: That was on the first day,
It was good: It was good.
God created: God created,
Sky and Clouds: Sky and Clouds
That was on the second day: That was on the second day
It was good: It was good.
God created: God created,
Land and Plants: Land and Plants
That was on the third day: That was on the third day,
It was good: It was good.
God created: God created,
Sun, Moon, and Stars: Sun, Moon, and Stars
That was on the fourth day: That was on the fourth day
It was good: It was good.
God created: God created,
Birds and Fish: Birds and Fish
That was on the fifth day: That was on the fifth day
It was good: It was good.
God created: God created,
Creatures on Land: Creatures on Land
People too! People too!
That was on the sixth day: That was on the sixth day
It was good: It was good.
Then God rested: Then God rested
From His work: From His work.
That was on the seventh day: That was on the seventh day
All was good: All was good.
Let’s sing praises: Let’s sing praises
To our God: To our God
He is everywhere, giving love and care
God is good: God is good
God is Good.

The Discovery Learning Center - "The Universe Room"

Bible Learning Center - "Creation Days 1-7"
Crafts - "Dinosaur Sun Catchers"

 Open Assembly
Closing Assembly